
2016-04-15 14.16.56

I’m leaving Cusco in the morning. I’ve been here since April 7th, and I’m ready to hit the road.

The only issue is that this is the final leg of my trip. Over the course of the next few days, I’m going to be traveling to Iquique, Chile, to sell my bike. Once the bike is sold I’ll book a flight back to the United States.

On one hand, I’m excited to be on the road again tomorrow. On the other hand, the fact that the trip is almost over and I have to go back to real life is disheartening. I’ve really enjoyed living life like this…traveling from place to place, seeing and doing cool stuff. I like not having obligations. I like the fact that my time is my own and I can spend it as I please.

It’s time to switch gears from anticipation to reflection. Reflecting on what I’ve done, what I’ve seen, and how I intend to integrate all my experiences moving forward.

I have a week or two left in South America, depending on how long it takes to sell the bike. I intend to make the most of it. 🙂