Category: Bogota


Well, we’re ready. The bikes have been obtained and outfitted with special tires. We’ve got insurance on the bikes. We have a plan. Tomorrow morning (hopefully in the morning) we’ll be leaving Bogota and headed to the town of Honda (pronounced “onda” even though I really, really want to call it “Honda”) in the department of Tolima. It’s a three-hour ride; a… Read more →

A tale of four taxis

Let me start out by saying that traffic down here is absolutely crazy. There are lanes. There are traffic signs and signals. But nobody pays attention. The only hard and fast rule seems to be: stop at stop lights. A road can contain as many lanes of traffic as can fit in it. If the road you’re in can fit… Read more →

What a difference a day makes

Yesterday was a pretty great day. After writing my horribly depressing blog post where everything was terrible, Josh, Elizabeth and I went out to eat lunch. We tried a new restaurant and had an absolutely fantastic meal. Here’s what I had: It’s a savory crepe filled with chicken and mushrooms, along with some type of sauce that tasted completely amazing. I… Read more →

Let’s cut to the chase; I hate it here

It’s never the things you plan for that get you. It’s always the unexpected. I’ve been planning this trip to South America for more than a year. I’ve been talking about it for months. I knew that things were going to be a break from the ordinary and I was looking forward to it. But I absolutely loathe Bogota. It’s… Read more →